Monday, January 14, 2013

Hello Monday Morning!

Why do Monday's always come so quickly?

Here's a little something to get you out of bed this morning...Monday's Special: Look and Cocktail of the Week! 

Look of the Week:

Tibi Stud Beading Drape Dress- (on sale!) I am obsessing over studs-on-white these days
Tibi Barbara Heel in Fuschia- (on sale!) I have been wanting some of these strappy sandals for a while... now that a great color is on sale, I think I might bite the bullet! 
Banana Republic Chic Twist Earrings- Perfect simple earrings to accompany a studded dress!

Cocktail of the Week:

Mint Julep
image via google
1 tsp. superfine sugar
5-6 mint leaves
1 lemon
3 oz. bourbon
ice & water
sprig of mint to garnish

Muddle mint leaves with superfine sugar and a splash of water in a glass.  Fill with ice, top with bourbon and garnish with mint sprig.  Walk on the back porch of your beach-house, sit down in a white rocking chair and pretend your Tibi.  

Here's to being a southern fashionista drinking mint juleps!
Little Miss Wade 

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