Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Grammy Fashion Police by Little Miss Wade

Okay, so I am not as old or even as bitchy as Joan Rivers, but I can sure do a darn good Fashion Police.  I honestly would be way better than Kelly Osbourne because umm my hair is a normal color!?!

Here I am today as a fellow Joan Ranger and dishin' about the Grammys:

Carrie Underwood, the modern day Barbie, looking about as beautiful as beautiful gets in a Roberto Cavalli gown. Her 381 carat diamond necklace isn't ugly either.  

Rihanna, the prettiest Rihanna we've ever seen, showed up in a smokin' hot custom red Azzedine Alaia gown. #bestdressed 
Beyonce, you never cease to amaze me. I LOVE this jumpsuit.  Looking classy and sophisticated in a Osman by Osman Yousefzada number.  

As far as I am concerned, Adele should stick to black.  Her Valentino gown matches the shoes and makes her look 1000 lbs. Literally.  
Katy Perry showed up and violated CBS' no skin rule. This is a gorgeous gown by Gucci, she has a great curvy body, yet too. much. chest. This isn't a strip club Katy.  
Taylor Swift in J. Mendel. I LOVE this Grecian Goddess dress.  I HATE Taylor Swift trying to be sexy.  You just aren't sexy, sorry Taylor.  

Kat Dennings in some blue bubble wrap dress. This is the worst of the worst. #worstdressed  

Do you think I should replace Kelly Osbourne or what?
Little Miss Wade

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